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What is Urethral Stricture?
Dr. Sunjay Kulkarni, who explained that the main function of the urethra in males and females was to let the urine exit the body once the bladder initiates excretion, required attention to the condition of urethral stricture and continued his words as follows:
This narrow canal also plays an important role in ejaculation in males. A stricture that forms due to injury or infection blocks or slows down urine flow through this tube. This is called urethral stricture. Urethral stricture is a problem that affects life quality and kidney failure is unavoidable in situations where severe strictures or complete blockages are not treated.
Urethral stricture appears when a section or the entire length of the urethral canal is constricted. Any section of the urethra can be affected by this condition. Usually, some amount of fibrosis, which means connective tissue, forms around the affected section of the urethra due to stricture. The length of the stricture starts from 1 cm and varies depending on the full length of the urethra. The risk of urethral stricture is lower for females as they have shorter urethras. Whereas, males are more likely to experience stricture as the canal extends along the entire length of the penis. Once urethral stricture becomes manifest, it does not heal spontaneously without intervention and may require surgery. Urethral stricture surgery involves resolving the strictures encountered in males and females with surgical methods.