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Sexual Life After Urethral Stricture Surgery
Following urethral stricture surgery, patients are offered certain suggestions concerning their sexual lives depending on the type of surgery that has been performed.
Before resuming sexual activity, one must wait at least until the swelling at the surgical site, which is called edema, has resolved.
Although certain changes may be experienced in sexual performance in the early postoperative period, performance returns to normal after a while. The patients are allowed to have intercourse as soon as the catheter is removed.
Some studies have identified patient age, preoperative sexual function, time from the surgery, stricture length, and the degree of stricture as factors that are important in the development of erectile dysfunction after surgery.
The type of operation performed was also thought to influence the development of erectile dysfunction. A study that compared patients who had undergone different types of surgery determined similar rates of erectile dysfunction and these problems were observed to recover in the 6th postoperative month. The patients are recommended to use phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory groups of pain killers in the early postoperative period.